Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Marketing Audit Example Essay

1. Explain how information technology puts powerful tools in the hands of global martekers. technology is very important in now times this is why in every area of the business technology is a very important tool, information technology and international marketing are working very closely; information technology innovations is improving marketing process and the way we interact with the customers. So thanks to information technology markters now have more information about customers and they can reach them easily due to data bases. Also information technology has changed the competitive environment, consumers have more information about competitive offering, also thanks to internet a new way of marketing has emerged and new ways to reach the consumer. †¨2. what is the difference between existing, latent and incipient demand? how might these differences affect the design of a marketing research project? Existing demand where there are existing suppliers; latent demand, where there is a need or desire that is not currently satisfied because there is non suitable supplier; and incipient demand that is the demand in which certain trends project shows an emerging need but customers are not really aware of it. when designing a marketing research we have to make sure what kind of market we are dealing with and which type of demand, if the market is mature and the demand is existing the consumer is already familiar with the products and the strategy to be used is different than if the demand is existing and the needs of the consumers hasn’t been satisfied. Also the approach to the different kind of demand will be different and the knowledge that we have form the different markets will make the research more successful. In the marketing research we could include how is the actual demand or we can investigate how will be the future demand. in conclusion marketer could focus their marking research in the deemed estimation, to determinate how is the approximate level of demand for a product. 3. describe some of the analytical techniques used by global marketers. when it is approbated to use each technique? Analytical marketing technics are often used where the research data are interpreted using computerized analytical techniques. The database in such a system is composed of a statistical bank  of information, which enables marketers to draw conclusions from data using statistical procedures. also a model bank of information, which enables marketers to make better marketing decisions using models . key Analytical Tools & Techniques Perceptual Mapping Tool – these maps take empirical customer-based evaluations of key brand attributes and translate this data into visual maps. These maps provide a method for calculating the ROI of positioning changes, identifying product strengths & weaknesses, and determining unmet customer needs. Read this article by Marketing NPV’s Managing Partner to learn more. Resource ReAllocator – by combining management science, historical data, and executive judgments, this model can be used to size and allocate marketing resources such as salesperson headcount.  Bass Diffusion Modeling Tool – use this technique to accurately forecast revenue for a new product where you have no historical data.  Markov Chains – this technique can be used to understand the future of your market such as how your customers will make purchasing decisions. Many organizations have used Markov chains to forecast the impact of market changes. Follow this link to learn more about this technique. Marketing ROI – measuring return on investment is one of the most frequently used methods for analyzing the success of marketing programs. Follow the preceding link to develop a Forward ROI model. Decision Trees – this technique provides a method for breaking large decisions into manageable pieces, analyzing the expected outcomes, and determining potential payoffs.  Simulation Tools – using turbocharged Excel spreadsheets can provide insight into the effectiveness of a particular marketing program. Follow the preceding link to download the required plug-in for Excel and start simulating. Competitive Radar – use this tool to graphically represent your competitive  matrix.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

External Factors Affecting Organizational Structure

Environment The environment is the world in which the organization operates, and includes conditions that influence the organization such as economic, social-cultural, legal-political, technological, and natural environment conditions. Environments are often described as either stable or dynamic. ? Stable environment †¢ customers' desires are well understood †¢ remains consistent for a relatively long time †¢ Examples of organizations that face relatively stable environments include manufacturers of staple items such as detergent, cleaning supplies, and paper products. mechanistic structures to be advantageous †¢ This system provides a level of efficiency that enhances the long-term performances of organizations that enjoy relatively stable operating environments ? Dynamic environment †¢ Customers' desires are continuously changing—the opposite of a stable environment †¢ This condition is often thought of as turbulent †¢ the technology that a company uses while in this environment may need to be continuously improved and updated †¢ An example of an industry functioning in a dynamic environment is electronics.Technology changes create competitive pressures for all electronics industries, because as technology changes, so do the desires of consumers. †¢ organic structure provides the greatest benefits †¢ This structure allows the organization to respond to environment change more proactively. Organizations are now increasingly designed to be more organic now days. The HR Organizational Structure has to fit to new challenges born in the external environment. All the important and influencing people speak about the changes in the business world, as the current recession seems to be one of the worst recessions ever.The way the business was done will be discontinued and new business ethics and new business rules will be born. In Recession for example HRM Organizational Structure should be as flexible as possibl e, the HRM Employees should be really aware of the needs of the organization and they should be able to help the organization to survive the recession successfully. The HRM Organizational Structure Adjustment has to be based on the detailed analysis of the needs of the organization in the recession. Companies that nurture flexibility, awareness, and resilience are more likely to survive the crisis, and even to prosper.McKinsey-2009 Technology Advances in technology are the most frequent cause of change in organizations since they generally result in greater efficiency and lower costs for the firm. Technology is the way tasks are accomplished using tools, equipment, techniques, and human know-how. By using tools, equipment and strategy, technology helps workers accomplish their core tasks at a quicker pace. If a company has the appropriate organizational structure blended with the right technology, it can attain organizational success.Joan Woodward found that the right combination of structure and technology were critical to organizational success. In her book Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice (1965), the English management scholar classified three categories of core-manufacturing technology: ? Small-batch production †¢ Used to manufacture a variety of custom, made-to-order goods. †¢ Each item is made somewhat differently to meet a customer's specifications by the skills of the workers who work together in small groups. †¢ A print shop is an example of a business that uses small-batch production. Appropriate structure for this type is decentralized and flexible †¢ It works well in organic structure ? Mass production †¢ Automated machines are used that is programmed to make high volumes of standard products. †¢ It’s used to create a large number of uniform goods in an assembly-line system. †¢ Workers are highly dependent on one another, as the product passes from stage to stage until completion. †¢ Equipm ent may be sophisticated, and workers often follow detailed instructions while performing simplified jobs. †¢Example-A company that bottles soda pop †¢ It works well in rigid structure as has routine tasks †¢ Formal structure or mechanistic structures is the best choice for workers who must perform repetitive tasks. ? Continuous-process production †¢ Create goods by continuously feeding raw materials, such as liquid, solids, and gases, through a highly automated system. †¢ Such systems are equipment intensive, but can often be operated by a relatively small labor force. †¢ Examples-automated chemical plants and oil refineries. A flexible structure is necessary to allow workers to react quickly to unexpected problems. †¢ It works well in organic structures The other Technology factor that determines organizational structure is- ?IT-Knowledge management the sharing and integrating expertise within and between functions and divisions through real time interconnected IT that allows for new kinds of task and reporting relationships. CITATION: 1. (CliffsNotes. com. Factors Affecting Organizational Design. 29 Oct 2010 . Read more:  http://www. cliffsnotes. om/WileyCDA/study_guide/Factors-Affecting-Organizational-Design. topicArticleId-8944,articleId-8881. html? citation=true#ixzz13mZtlnHJ 2. Ref- HRM Organizational Structure HRM Advice Blog Adjustments in Recession http://hrmadvice. com/blog/2008/12/30/hrm-organizational-structure-adjustments-recession/ Technology/Task Consider check processing at a bank. This activity is usually performed by a business unit that is highly formalized, has a great deal of specialization and division of labor, and high centralization of decision-making.In contrast, the creative section of an ad agency is usually not formalized at all, the division of labor is often blurry, and it is highly decentralized. It appears that certain activities naturally â€Å"go with† certain structures. Joan Wood ward found that by knowing an organization's primary system of production, you could predict their structure: Unit production/small batch. Companies that make one-of-a-kind custom products, or small quantities of products (e. g. , ship building, aircraft manufacture, furniture maker, tailors, printers of engraved wedding invitation, surgical teams). In these companies, typically, people's skills and knowledge is more important than the the machines used. †¢ Relatively expensive to operate: work process is unpredictable, hard to pre-program or automate. †¢ Flat organization (few levels of hierarchy). †¢ Ceo has low span of control (direct reports). †¢ Relatively low percentage of managers †¢ Organic structure (see  handout) Mass production/large batch. Companies that sell huge volumes of identical products (e. g. , cars, razor blades, aluminum cans, toasters). Make heavy use of automation and assembly lines.Typically, †¢ bigger than small batch †¢ Taller hierarchies †¢ bottom level is huge (supervisor span of control is 48) †¢ Relatively greater number of managers (because hierarchy is so tall) †¢ Mechanistic, bureaucratic structure †¢ Relatively cheap to operate Continuous Production. Primarily companies that refine liquids and powders (e. g. , chemical companies, oil refineries, bakeries, dairies, distilleries/breweries, electric power plants). Machines do everything,   humans just monitor the machines and plan changes. These organizations are tall and thin or even inverted pyramid: almost nobody at the bottom †¢ At the very top there is an organic structure †¢ Lower levels more mechanistic, but because machines do everything, there is not much paper work, low level supervision, etc. Chick Perrow '67 looked at how the frequency and type of exceptions that occurred during production affected structure. Two types of exceptions: (a) can be solved via orderly, analytic search process (like mecha nic fixing car), (b) no analytic framework, rely on intuition, guesswork (like advertising, film-making, fusion research).    |Few Exceptions |Many Exceptions | |Un-analyzable |pottery, specialty glass, motel room artwork; plumbing; |film making; aerospace; (non routine research) | | |computer technical support (craftwork) |tasks that no one really knows how to do: work on | | |routine work, but when problems crop up, it is hard   |intuition, implicit knowledge | | |to figure what to do | | |Analyzable |routine, like screws; (routine manufacturing) |custom machinery, building dams; (engineering | | |the few problems that occur are usually easy to |production) | | |understand |the application of well-known principles and | | | |technologies to lots of new and different | | | |situations | It turns out that bottom left organizations (analyzable and few exceptions) tend to be highly centralized and formalized — in short, bureaucracies. Bureaucracies are the best possible org anizational form when the task is well-understood, and how to best execute it can be specified in advance.At the other extreme, the top right organizations (unanalyzable and many exceptions) are not well handled by bureaucracies. There are so many exceptions and new situations that having a set of formal procedures which specify how to handle every situation is out of the question. Organizations in this box tend to be highly decentralized and use informal means of coordination and control. The reasons have to do with human bounded rationality. (Bounded rationality refers to the fact that since humans have limited brain capacity, we cannot always find the absolute optimal solution to a given problem — we only have the time and capacity to consider a few possible solutions, and choose the best among those. But we can't consider all possible solutions. Really complex systems are difficult to pre-plan: there are too many contingencies. We simply can't figure it all out. Need to a llow for real-time, flexible adjustment. Environment Adaptation Organizations actively adapt to their environments. For example, organizations facing complex, highly uncertain environments typically differentiate so that each organizational unit is facing a smaller, more certain problem. for example, if Japanese tastes in cars are quite different from American tastes, it is really hard to make a single car that appeals to both markets. It is easier to create two separate business units, one that makes cars for the Japanese market, and the other that makes cars for the US market. Natural SelectionOrganizations whose structures are not fitted to the environment (which includes other organizations, communities, customers, governments, etc. ) will not perform well and will fail. Most new organizations fail within the first few years. If the environment is stable, this selection process will lead to most organizations being well-adapted to the environment, not because they all changed th emselves, but because those that were not well-adapted will have died off. Dependence The economy is a giant network of organizations linked by buying and selling relationships. Every company has suppliers (inputs) and customers (outputs). Every company is dependent on both their suppliers and their customers for resources and money.To the extent that a company needs it's suppliers less than they need it, the company has power. That is, power is a function of asymmetric mutual dependence. Dependence is itself a function of the availability of alternative supply. A depends on B to the extent that there are few alternatives to B that are available to A. Dependence is also a function of how much A needs what B has got. If the Post It's company starts to play hardball with you, and there are no good alternatives, it's still not a big deal because Post It's are just not that important. Organizations that have power over others are able to impose elements of structure on them.For example, GM is famous for imposing accounting systems, cost controls, manufacturing techniques on their suppliers. The sets of entities in an organization's environment that play a role in the organization's health and performance, or which are affected by the organization, are called  stakeholders. Stakeholders have interests in what the organization does, and may or may not have the power to influence the organization to protect their interests. Stakeholders are varied and their interests may coincide on some issues and not others. Therefore you find stakeholders both cooperating with each other in alliances, and competing with each other. [pic] Figure 1. Unconnected stakeholders.When stakeholders are unconnected to each other (as in Figure 1), the organization usually has an easier time of playing the different parties off one another. For example, it can represent its goals and needs differently to each stakeholder, without fear of being found out. Or, such competitive stakeholders in to outbidding each other (e. g. , a university can tel one alumnus that another alumnus is about to give a huge donation). Furthermore, when the stakeholders are unconnected, they cannot coordinate their efforts, and so have trouble controlling the organization. [pic] Figure 2. Well-connected stakeholders. In contrast, when the stakeholders are well-connected (as in Figure 2), the organization cannot represent itself differently to each one, or it will be found out.Furthermore, if the bonds among the stakeholders are closer than the bonds with the organization, the stakeholders may side with each other against the organization, and won't act in ways that negatively affect other stakeholders. Institutionalization Under conditions of uncertainty, organizations imitate others that appear to be successful. In other words, if nobody really knows what makes a movie successful, and then somebody has a blockbuster hit, everybody else copies the movie, and the organizational structure that p roduced the movie, hoping that they will get the same results. This can cause whole industries to adopt similar structural features. One reason why this happens is the fear of litigation or simply blame.If several well-known, successful companies start adopting some new management style — say, self-governing teams — and you don't because you know its not appropriate for your company, and then things start to go wrong for your company, people will say ‘see? you should have adopted self-governing teams. we told you so'. So to avoid that, if the top companies in a field all adopt some new style, then all the others do to to avoid being blamed. In addition, diffusion of ideas due to personnel transfer and professional school training can create uniformity as well.Ref:Organizational Theory:Determinants of Structure Stephen P. Borgatti October 08, 2001 http://www. practical-management. com/Organization-Development/Organization-s-External-Environment. html

Monday, July 29, 2019

What is interior design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What is interior design - Essay Example The designer can embark on projects that comprise assembling the simple design of spaces within the house and projects that necessitate the understanding of practical concerns. They usually work in conjunction with architectural corporations. Interior design comprises two categories including residential interior design, which involves the interior of private homes, and commercial interior design that involves industrial facilities and retail (Asensio 1997, p. 6). Interior designer often assist with relevant information. They often offer the best settlement of appliances for the  maximum effective  utility of the kitchen.   They are supportive in adorning and fashioning a definite environment for living (Nielson 2005, p. 10).  They can work on projects ranging from an open-air sensation  of a beach household to a soft lodge in the woods environment (Gibbs 2005, p. 12). In contrast, architecture involves the design a building, the engineering background and process, setting out the outer and interior walls coupled with dimensions as well as the plans that the construction team can follow in the process of constructing the house (Gibbs 2005, p. 24). Interior designer often create the expression of the interior of the household or offices. They usually choose things that mirror the owner’s personality within a definite budget.   In interior design, awareness of the trending styles, product accessibility, and colour trends are significant yet they may not be of importance in architecture (Interior Design Educators Council 1993, p. 73). Architects draw the strategies and produce the plans for the building itself while overseeing its construction.  Architecture embroils further structural, physics mathematical knowledge, while interior design involves is focused on space planning and articulation but both are guided by the building codes, drawing, and documentation (Interior Design Educators Council 1993, p. 45). Architects

Sunday, July 28, 2019

International Political Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words - 1

International Political Economy - Essay Example International political became known as a focal point of study in the 1960s. This was sparked by the drastic advancement of the international economy following interests in global politics. The already set and developing field drew upon diverse sources including history and economics (Biersteker, 1993). This is in addition to international relations thereby manifesting the field as a disciplinary promiscuity that remains a feature up to date. An element of ancient international political economy that has not stood the test of time is the engagement that intertwined the extensive invisible college of initiating scholars. As this imperceptible school of thought untangled, two types of international political economy emerged. Even though their range partly related, one type is predominant in the United States and the other in the United Kingdom and Canada. The prime type in the United States is the rationalist. Consequently, inter-relationships between the states are their focal areas o f concern. Furthermore, they have evolved sharply and revolutionalized formal models and dominant operatives that assist them to survive competitive interstate complexities (Palan, 2000). In this way, rationalists depict these states as the greatest beneficiaries in acquiring incentives for international collaboration. Insatiable for data and inclined towards solving problems, rationalists devote much of their energy to theoretical deliberations as to empirical work. A majority are fond of assumptions that relate to the role of domination in stabilizing international economy. Additionally, they are used to creating up framework of governing institutions, an inclination that may derive from their supremacy features. On the contrary, scholars of the diverse critical aspect in international political economy are dominant in the United Kingdom and Canada. These scholars spend much of their energy unearthing the concealed workings of hegemony, both the global

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Digital Marketing report for Taobao Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Digital Marketing report for Taobao - Essay Example Those who have their products on sale have an option of quoting fixed prices or auctioning their products (Xun&Lixia, 2009). Most buyers visit Taobao because of its transparency since each seller is required to provide working contact information and offer items for sale, which are physically available. The site gives buyers an opportunity to rate services received they can post compliments or complains and the same is available to other buyers to view. Before the year 2003, eBay was the market leader in ecommerce in china where it charged sellers for posting selling items on its online market. Alibaba wanted to get part of this huge online business hence it established Taobao. Taobao came with extra features including free listings, instant messaging to the seller and buyer, email facility to the seller and a secure payment tool. With all this impressive features, its market share jumped from 5% to 60% in only two years of existence, eating into eBay’s market share that reduced from 80% to 35% over the same period. eBay decided to close down its operations in China in the year 2006 to avoid making further losses.By mid-2007, Taobao controlled a massive 83.6 % of the C2C market share, followed by Paipai and in third place we had Tom&eBay. A graphical presentation is as shown below: The exit of eBay gave Taobao an opportunity to reinvent itself more given that it did not have any more stiff competition. The company introduced a dedicated business to consumer platform known as Taobao mall, which offers exclusively high quality Chinese products to the Chinese market. Taobao mall established its own web link,, which focuses primarily on product verticals and gives clients an excellent shopping platform. In 2008, Taobaodecided to champion online sales for the Chinese economy by employing Big Taobao strategy,a strategy that

The Global Future Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

The Global Future - Case Study Example This will present the company's strengths and critical issues which will impact the company's success in the new market. The report explains how Grapevine will use its capabilities to sustain and increase profitability. The report gives an overview of the organization's mission, vision and objectives and then explains the environmental factors which affect the business. The environment is scanned with using both the SWOT and PEST analysis. The results are used to identify key strategic areas for the company to focus on. Within the next five years Grapevine will be a leader in the market and will help clients grow and expand their businesses by providing innovative, reliable and effective marketing solutions. We will remain a financially firm company and work towards securing our employee and customer interests. Our company works towards providing consultation in addition to a complete range of cost effective marketing solutions for businesses that require rapid results to meet their market and financial goals. The analysis of the environment is essential for understanding the future potential of the organization and its business success ( Covello & Hazelgern, 2005). This section looks into the current and potential situation of the environment in which the company will operate. ... To be recognized as a leader in marketing consulting and communication services. To provide a complete range of innovative marketing services that meet customer needs To keep our overall goals and objectives in line with those of our clients To establish long lasting relationships with our clients To keep our overall mission, vision, objectives and values in line with those of our customers 3.4 Position Our company works towards providing consultation in addition to a complete range of cost effective marketing solutions for businesses that require rapid results to meet their market and financial goals. 4. Environmental Scan The analysis of the environment is essential for understanding the future potential of the organization and its business success ( Covello & Hazelgern, 2005). This section looks into the current and potential situation of the environment in which the company will operate. The first portion of the environment scan is the macro-scan which examines the environment at a broad level. The second portion is the micro-scan which analysis the situation at the organization level. 4.1 Part 1 Macro-scan 4.1.1 PESTEL Framework The acronym PESTEL stands for political, economic, social, technological, environment and legal factors. The PESTEL analysis is a framework that categorizes the environmental influences. This analysis describes how successful or profitable a business will be and how attractive it is for investment (Martin & Thompson, 2005). Political Situation The legislation in the host country market favors entry into the market particularly in case of licensing and franchising. However, the future of the legislation and the political situation of the country are

Friday, July 26, 2019

Scenario medication management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scenario medication management - Essay Example We will be touching a few topics that come under this heading. We are first going to talk about â€Å"Mental Capacity†. There is actually an act on mental capacity which is called â€Å"The Mental Capacity Act 2005† which basically states that a framework is there to protect and empower people who are incapable for not making their own decisions. This act makes it clear that the person who can make decisions for that incapable person would be held responsible in the future. The individual who is looking after the invalid should have the best interest for the person. The individual must also consider that whether it is likely that the invalid person in time or in future will be able to make their own decisions. As it is said by British Geriatrics Society that â€Å"Mental capacity is a legal concept and any decision as to whether a person does or does not have mental capacity is ultimately a decision for a court of law†. For example: that is a nurse gives a medication or a drug with a food item or liquid other than water it might cause a reaction and the person who solely be responsible for this conduct would be the nurse that gave the patient the medication, where the patient was in no condition to make his or her own decision. Now lets move on to the second topic which is called â€Å"Role of Pharmacist &MDT†. As we have always recognized that the medical consultants work within a clinical team and they have the sole responsibility for the clinical management of the patients assigned to them but with in that team the pharmacist has a specific and the most important responsibility and that responsibility is to provide safe and appropriate use of medication or drugs. When we look at the role of a pharmacist in a hospital setting it should basically include medication storage, packaging and compounding, support personnel, see drug expenditure and quality improvement and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Transcontinental Railroad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Transcontinental Railroad - Essay Example â€Å"The California Legislature took a hand in the issue in 1855-6, fearing that Congress might relax its energies, and urged a speedy construction of a railroad, but the jealousy of politicians delayed the initiative† (San Francisco News Letter, 1925). During this period, short line railroads were being made in the Mid West. The credit of starting the enterprise goes to Leland Stanford. One day, as he was passing the Collis P. Huntington store in Sacramento, Leland Stanford saw the wagons being loaded. With the development of traffic, Leland Stanford realized the need of a quicker and improved carrier service, so he discussed the matter with Collis P. Huntington, Charles Crocker, and Mark Hopkins. All of them mutually consented that a railroad connection with the East was needed. â€Å"Charles Crocker was a leading direction, and the spirit of dominant energy in pressing construction through and over all obstruction† (San Francisco News Letter, 1925). The water transp ortation met the needs of America in the pre-Civil War period. In the early 1830s, locomotives arrived in America from the Great Britain, and greatly inspired the local people of America, who were already eagerly waiting for the year-round transportation service that would be punctual unlike the riverboats and the canal barges. The railroad was just about to become the mode of transportation of the industrial America by 1860, when a tracks’ network ran across the eastern half of America. The great concern at that time was of its payment. There were two main options for payment; either the private investors would finance the railroads, or the railroads could be the enterprises of the state. America selected the free enterprise unlike most of the European countries. The government played a great role in it. Railroads were lured by a lot of states and localities with financial aid’s offers. The federal government promoted the interregional rail construction by means of la nd grants. However, the most significant boost was a legal corporation which assisted in the collection of private capital in prodigious amounts. In this way, people who had invested in the railroads were saved as they bore only the risk of the invested money rather than being personally liable for the debts of the railroad. The responsibility of making the railroad was given to the construction companies. A vast majority of those companies were financial structures. â€Å"Hiring contractors and suppliers often involved persuading them to accept the railroad’s bonds as payment and, when that failed, wheeling and dealing to raise cash by selling or borrowing on the bonds† (Henretta, 2009, p. 498). Most of the construction companies were very corrupt. The promoters tried to pocket a significant percentage of the total funds reserved for construction of the railroads. Factories were rapidly established in America during the 1870s. The products of these factories including paper, textile, and fabrics replaced the home-made articles. With the economical surge of America, a new kind of demand arose. â€Å"Railroads needed locomotives; new factories needed machinery; cities needed trolley lines, sanitation systems, and commercial Structures†

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Parental Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Parental Responsibility - Essay Example The Children Act of 1989 provides for guidelines as to the responsibilities, rights and duties that parents have over and to their children. Parental responsibility refers these duties, in the context of family and in the spirit of ensuring that the child is taken care of. It also helps in outlining how certain situations can and should be handled in cases where the difference sources of authorities may be in disagreement or where there is a disagreement between the child and the parent. In the United Kingdom, the majority age is 18. This means that before this age, there is always a need to make sure that the parent can protect them. Responsibilities come with rights and vice versa (Hendrick, 2011). One of the historic issues with regard to the parental responsibility is the Gillick case where Mrs. Gillick had sued to stop doctors from prescribing contraception and offering contraction advice to people below the age of sixteen. After a long battle that ended in the House of Lords, G illick lost because the house of lord voted in favor of giving people under sixteen the choice when it comes to such issues. However, this was to be done within the Gillick competence guidelines that would be use to determine when a teenager can decide regardless of the parent’s decision, when to take such treatment. The issue of Gillick covers the problems of the fact that although there are some age limits that are kept to define who is an adult and who is a child, people mature at very different rates regardless of the chronological

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Types of Erosion and Transportation of Materials by the River Essay

Types of Erosion and Transportation of Materials by the River - Essay Example Erosion takes place hand in hand with transportation. Transportation of materials in a stream or a river starts when water overcomes friction. Material that has been set loose through erosion is then transported along the stream. There are three main processes by which water in a stream or river transports material; suspension, traction and saltation, and solution. Suspension occurs when material composed of the finest particles such as silt and clay is lifted by the turbulence of water and transported away. Rivers that are more turbulent and fast-flowing carry more suspension. This explains why a stream or river gets muddy towards its mouth. The velocity of the water is greater here. Traction and saltation occur when larger particles are carried away. Saltation refers to when a material such as gravel and pebbles that are too heavy to be carried away in suspension are bounced along by the water force. Traction, on the other hand, occurs when larger material like boulders is pushed and rolled along the river or stream bed by the force of the water. The third process, solution, occurs when materials such as minerals and dissolving rocks dissolve in the water and are carried along. This happens mostly in areas whose geology is limestone with water that is slightly acidic. Stream capacity refers to the sum capacity of residue that a stream can move, transport, or carry. Water streams carry sediment. Different streams carry different amounts of sediment. This capacity depends on the velocity and volume of water that is being channeled. Stream competence, on the other hand, refers to the sedimentary particle size that a stream can move, transport, or carry. Again, each stream has its competency for the sedimentary particle size it can move by its velocity and volume. This competency changes with changes in velocity and stream volume. Such changes are caused by a variety of topography factors and seasonal flooding.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Inside Islam notes Essay Example for Free

Inside Islam notes Essay

Human imperfection Essay Example for Free

Human imperfection Essay There is a substantial debate among artists, critics and connoisseurs regarding the purpose of art. If views of painters like John Ruskin, writers like Robert Browning and art critic like Walter Pater are taken into account then it could be seen the perspective of the significance of art varies from person to person and school to school. Generally, the human race considers art as something that is pleasing to the eye or invokes certain emotions when viewed. And what many artists consider to be art is something which you can do and enjoy and in the end, produce something that gives a feeling of success. There are many different ways to express one using the concept called art. The most common style of art which most people think of when they think of art is the painting. The painting is usually just some form of paint media, whether oil or watercolor or whichever style it is, and the paint is then placed on some form of canvas. There are, however, literally hundreds of styles of art within the world. They range from the painting, which although never simple, isnt necessarily the most complex way to express yourself. Art can even be considered in simple writing, usually in the form of poetry. The spoken word can have a more profound effect than physical art. A simple poem can invoke a range of emotions rather quickly. If a poem refers to someone who is close to the author, the author may feel overwhelmed when viewing their own artistic expression. But a painting can just as easily invoke the same feelings as a written piece of art. And a simple sketch has the chance of being just as profound. (Lamb, 243-245) In this context Ruskin’s point of view should be taken into account as he pointed out that the primary purpose of art is to evoke the value of god by showing the detrimental side of the human nature. He advocated this thesis with high degree of indulgence in his text ‘Modern Painters’. On the other hand Browning’s views of art were different from that of Ruskin but was not contrasting as he believed that perfection is what that all mattered in art. According to his views art should cover up the human imperfection and present a faultless, great and ideal image of the human being. His point of view on art was mostly presented through the characters Andrea del Sarto and Fra Lippo Lippi. It could be assumed that according to Browning art resembled whatever that was beautiful and faultless. In sharp contrast the point of view of Walter Pater completely rejects the previous two ideas. According to Walter Pater art should always be sensual and provoking. His idea of art completely ignores the aspects of spiritualities and sentiments along with any relation to emotion and theology. According to him any art that fails to evoke sensual feeling or satisfies the erotic feelings of the audience could well be labeled as failed art. In this context it would be relevant to quote Sir Kenneth Clark from his text ‘The Nude’. He mentioned that â€Å"no nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even though it be only finest shadow-and it if does no do so, it is bad art and false moral†. (Clark, 79) However, it can be stated that Art could be considered something as simple as an action someone has done for a cause or for somebody. If someone holds the door for somebody else, it could be their art to be generous and gentlemanly. Even acts of crime can be considered forms of art. In many thieving circles, the method of breaking and entering or robbing places is merely called the Art of Theft. Thus one can never really limit art to one thing. Rather, it is a wide arrangement of things. And one can never truly crack down and say that something is only artistic if it is of some particular kind of medium, because somebody else will disagree. It can be stated that Art is basically anything that anyone does which has a profound effect on somebody or something else. From a simple act of kindness to a masterpiece painting that took years out of somebody’s life. Some art can be considered more complex, and some art can be considered simpler in contrast. But, the fact of the matter is, in the eye of the beholder, art could be anything. So is it really possible for us to define what art is or can we really set any realistic guidelines as to whats art and what isnt art? It is always possible to create guidelines, but it is often considered an art-form in itself to break said guidelines. Similarly, the aesthetics of art could well be beyond the definition set by rigid guideline and logically thus the significance or purpose of art remains a relative concept. But defining what is aesthetic and what isnt can also be quite an undertaking. Simply put, something that is aesthetically pleasing is something that appeals to the senses. For instance, flowers give a nice aesthetic sense of smell by offering their pleasant odors. A nicely painted picture can give off a nice aesthetic sight for somebody to enjoy. Often it is difficult to create something aesthetically pleasing, as there are many ways to easily offend peoples senses. For instance, if you wanted to create a painting to give off an aesthetic feeling of hope, you probably wouldnt use an over abundance of dark colors. Dark colors are often used to show calmness or even more commonly, something sad and depressing. Also, when painting, if you use wider and more circular strokes with a lighter press on your brush, youll give off more depressing tones and colors. So, it would be more advisable to use lighter colors and more agile handling of the brush. Lighter colors often give off a feeling of warmth and happiness, which is something that you would like to be doing if you would like to create something hopeful. (King, 126) However, it can be stated that it doesnt really matter whether or not we can define the significance of art, because art is just an expression. It is a method for human beings to get out their emotions and share them with the rest of the world. It helps to describe what cannot be spoken. A picture is worth a thousand words, but even those thousand words can yet again produce a thousand additional pictures. And in this method of thought, the significance of art has an infinite number of possibilities and an infinite number of ways to influence the lives of others. Thus the significance or the purpose of art lies in its spirituality, humane approach, sense of beauty and even sensuality all at the same time and there should not be any rigidity in this context. References: Clark, Kenneth; The Nude; (Alliance Publishers. 2002) King, H; Aesthetic Today (HBT Brooks Ltd. 2005) pp 126 Lamb, Davis; Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata. (National Book Trust. 2004) pp 243-245.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Why the price of computers keep falling despite increasing demand

Why the price of computers keep falling despite increasing demand Introduction Now a day, computers are the main source of connectivity among people. The major share of work i.e., college assignments, teaching lessons, work presentations are mostly dependent on the computers. And also doing a long distant chat for almost free, computer or information technology has enabled human being in coming out with the speedy solutions of almost everything. ( A personal computer (PC) be can any general-purpose computer whose size, capabilities, and original sales price make it useful for individuals, and which is intended to be operated directly by an end user, with no intervening computer operator. Personal computers Software applications include word processing, spreadsheets, databases, Web browsers and e-mail clients, games, and myriad personal productivity and special-purpose software. Modern personal computers often have high-speed or dial-up connections to the Internet, allowing access to the World Wide Web and a wide range of other resources. In the free market condition the price of a product will be determined by the demand and the market supply of computers. In a market, Supply and demand is an economic model of price determination. It concludes that in a competitive market, price will function to equalize the quantity demanded by consumers, and the quantity supplied by producers, resulting in an economic equilibrium of price and quantity. If we look at computer market, the demand is keep on increasing and also at the same time the market supply also increasing. According to the law of demand and supply, when the demand is increased, the price goes up the free market. But in this particular computer market, demand is growing but, the price comes down gradually. That is the question of this assignment and, in this piece of work I am going to discuss the best possible reasons to that behavior. In this assignment it will be discussed and analyzed the following topics. Explanation for why the price of personal computers has continued to fall even in the face of increasing demand. Conclusion Background Computer Market The UK personal computer market in 2008 was worth 12.81bn at end-user prices, an increase of 4.2% over 2007 and its highest level of output since 2000. However, it led to a fall of 8.2% in sales to 11.77bn during the recession in 2009. During the period from 2005 to 2008 personal computers (PCs) reported a higher annual growth, whereas peripherals and add-ons declined in total value sales. Therefore it was led to a negative growth of 3.3% over the period. In the consumer market, the better performance of PCs over the period, particularly, is attributed to sales of portables and particularly net books in the past year. Mobile computing is continuing to drive net book sales. Desktop computers have become less attractive and are in decline with more portables now being sold than desktops. Manufactures are expecting a rebound in sales in 2010 and full recovery by 2011 with positive. The principal analyst Ranjit Atwal at Gartner says The UK market for computers showed growth in Q4 for the first time this year. According to him, 70 per cent of the total PC market in the UK has also become heavily dependent on mobile PCs. The percentage of the UK market share Acer held on to the top spot in the UK with 19.1 per cent market share, HP held the second with 18.9 per cent. Dell was the third with 16.5 per cent, followed by Toshiba and Samsung with 10.4 per cent and 6.5 per cent respectively. He added that the total UK market [in terms of shipments] in Q4 was 3.8 million units. Even in the Western Europe Acer held 23.1 per cent of the market. HP was second again with 21.3 per cent, Dell was third with 9.9 per cent and Asus and Toshiba took fourth and fifth place with eight per cent and 6.2 per cent market share respectively. There is a significant growth in vendors such as Apple, Samsung, Lenovo and Sony also putting significant pressure on the top five vendors in Western Europe. Research has found that the UK computer market continued to struggle in 2009s closing quarter as western European counterparts return to growth. Market watcher IDC preliminary figures reveal that UK personal computer shipments in Q4 fell 1.7 per cent annually to 3.8 million. Notebook shipments were up 2.3 percent year on year to 2.9 million, while the desktop market slumped 12.8 per cent, with 878,000 units shipped. The emerging markets were collapsed when the crisis came, but now they are back to double digit growth. Likewise we observed that the market for the computers is expanding day by day in millions, but the cost of the computers are coming down gradually which is contrarily to the theory of the Demand and Supply. Therefore we are required to examine in deapth that, what are the triggers for such situation in real terms. Explanation for why the price of personal computers has continued to fall even in the face of increasing demand. In this particular computer market, we understand that the price of personal computers has continued to fall even in the face of increasingly high demand, which is contrary to the law of demand and supply. That happens mainly because of the competition and increasing efficiency few more other reasons. In this case, Price remains constant or reducing and change in any other determinants causes demand or supply to rise. That results shifts in the demand of supply curves to the right or to left depending on the circumstances. Any other factors can be, Demand side The price of the other product. ie. Substitutes and complements. Income Population Preferences Future price expectations Supply side The price of other product, ie. Price of substitutes and complements The price of factors of production used to produce the computer. (land, labor, capital) Advancements of technologies. No of producers or size of the market. Future expectations. Now we will look at the demand side of the computer market. In the computer market there is a huge growth in demand day by day mostly due to the following reasons.. Price of the other product Substitutes: In todays world, there are no closer substitutes to the computer. People are using high tech mobile phones to do most of their computer related work for example sending and receiving e mails. Still it is not a closer substitute. Therefore the demand is increase and the demand curve is shifted to the right, increasing the price. Please see the diagram below. Complements: price of the complements also becoming lower when compared to the past few decades. In general, a companys strategic interest is going to be to get the price of their complements as low as possible. The lowest sustainable  price would be the commodity price the price that arises when you have a bunch of competitors offering indistinguishable goods. So: The smart companies try to reduce its complements price in order to capture the market. Ex. When IBM designed the PC architecture, they used off-the-shelf parts instead of custom parts, and they carefully documented the interfaces between the parts in the IBM-PC Technical Reference Manual. As long as you match the interface, you can be used in PCs. Within a short time large number of companies started up offering memory cards, hard drives, graphics cards, printers, etc. Cheap add-ins meant more demand for PCs. Please refer the diagram below. Increment in real income The Income of the consumers has been increased. The effect that income has on the amount of a product that consumers are willing and able to buy depends on the type of good were talking about. For most goods, there is a positive (direct) relationship between a consumers income and the amount of the good that one is willing and able to buy. Being considering the computer is a normal good, when income rises the demand for the computers will increase. The higher the level of aggregate and/or personal income, the higher the demand for a typical commodity as a general. Where the income is higher more of a good or service will be chosen at a given price. Thus determinants of demand normally utilize some form of income measure, including Gross Domestic Product (GDP). If you look at the following statistics the real income of the consumers have heen increased. Real household disposable income per head1 and gross domestic product per head2 United Kingdom Index numbers (1971=100) Gross domestic product Household Income 1971 100.0 100.0 1972 103.7 108.3 1973 111.1 115.1 1974 109.7 114.1 1975 109.0 115.0 1976 111.8 114.3 1977 114.5 111.7 1978 118.2 119.8 1979 121.4 126.7 1980 118.8 128.8 1981 117.3 128.4 1982 119.7 128.3 1983 124.1 131.0 1984 127.4 135.9 1985 132.0 140.7 1986 137.3 146.7 1987 143.5 149.2 1988 150.7 157.5 1989 154.2 165.1 1990 155.4 172.6 1991 153.2 176.0 1992 153.4 180.8 1993 156.8 186.2 1994 163.6 188.8 1995 168.5 193.7 1996 173.4 199.7 1997 179.1 208.1 1998 185.6 212.4 1999 192.0 218.5 2000 199.5 227.7 2001 204.5 237.8 2002 208.7 242.6 2003 214.6 249.9 2004 220.5 251.9 2005 225.1 258.9 2006 231.5 262.7 2007 238.5 262.9 1 Adjusted to real terms using the expenditure deflator for the household sector. See Appendix, Part 5: Household income data sources. 2 Adjusted to real terms using the GDP deflator. Source: Office for National Statistics; Government Actuarys Department; General Register Office for Scotland; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency Therefore, the demand curve for computers has definitely shifted to the right from D1 to D2 reduce to increment in real incomes. Therefore, there has been a rise in their preferences. Please refer the diagram below. 3.3 Consumer Taste, Fashion, Trend and Preferences It is a real fact that all markets are shaped by collective and individual tastes fashion trend, and preferences. These patterns are partly implanted by information and knowledge of products and services and partly shaped by culture, including the influence of advertising. Because of these differences in taste and preferences, different societies use forest products differently. As the mini-notebooks provide better functionality at the lower price points now a days they are becoming more appealing. Mini notebooks are highly demanded and it has become fashion and trend due to consumer preference. If you refer the diagram below, when the demand is increased, the demand curve is shifted to the right increasing the price. Population According to the following table, the population of UK has been increased and as a result the aggregate demand for computers have been increased. Table 1.1 Population1of the United Kingdom Millions 1971 1981 1991 2001 2007 2011 2021 2031 United Kingdom 55.9 56.4 57.4 59.1 61.0 62.8 67.2 71.1 England 46.4 46.8 47.9 49.5 51.1 52.7 56.8 60.4 Wales 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.9 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.3 Scotland 5.2 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Northern Ireland 1.5 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.9 2.0 1 Mid-year estimates for 1971 to 2007; 2006-based projections for 2011 to 2031. See Appendix, Part 1: Population estimates and projections. Source: Office for National Statistics; Government Actuarys Department; General Register Office for Scotland; Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency When the population is increased the demand is increased, the demand is increasing and demand curve shifts to right increasing the price of the computer from P1 to P2. Please refer the diagram. Now we will look at the Supply side of the computers. Reduction of prices of factors in production Production cost is a main criterion in deciding the product price. If input costs decline, firms respond by increasing output. As a result marginal costs are dramatically reduced and consequently supply is increased. Therefore there has been a huge fall in price and quantities traded have been risen dramatically. In the long run, when an industry expands the cost of industry also decreases. As the industry produces more output, the minimum average cost of production for each firm decreases with the decrease in costs. (Economies of scale) The decrease in costs may reflect lower input costs which reduce the minimum point of the average total cost curve as the industry grows. As the industry expands and if there are economies of scale in the production of an important input costs may decline. A decrease in input costs shifts the supply curve to the right from S1 toS2 increasing the Equilibrium quantity from Q1 to Q2. The price will be decreased from P1 to P2. Please refer the above diagram. Advancement in Technology Because of the technological advancement, the computers can be produced at a lower cost when compared to the decades ago. As technology has improved, he price of the computers have declined radically lowering their cost of production. Specially advances in communications technology. Let us look at another indicator of the phenomenal change in computers. According to Bureau of Labour Statistics, central processing unit (CPU) speed rose 1,263%, system memory increased 1,500%, hard drive capacity soared by 3,700%, and monitor size went up 13%Between 1993 and 1998. Therefore the supply curve shift to right from S1 to S2 by reducing the price from P1 to P2. The competitive advantage of high-tech laptops and Notebooks Notebook PC /Laptops Various types of notebooks and laptops with different configuration and specifications are manufactured by different companies. The most recognized companies in dealing with laptops are Sony, Vaio, Toshiba, Dell, Fujitsu, Lenovo ect. Priced are depended on configurations. Laptops with general features and lesser configuration are available at cheaper rates and notebooks with higher configuration and extra specifications are bit expensive. The processor may be Intel Dual Core and it may be enabled with widows or vista premium operating system. From one notebook PC to the other the data speed and the RAM capacity varies depending on the configuration. The memory may range from 1GB to 4GB or higher memory. Some laptops are enabled with TV tuner and built-in cameras for extra usage. The capacity of the hard drive varies, starting from 64GB to 500GB. When compared to the desktops, the hard disk and RAM have smaller sizes. There is a better advantage as the laptops Central Processing Unit is produced less heat and also save power. They may be of Intel Core, Core 2 Duo, Premium M, VIA Technologies etc. Following are the most attractive features in the Note books and laptops. LCD display Key board and a touchpad, equivalent of mouse Display primarily ranges from 13 inches to 17 inches Weighs between 1.4 to 5.4 kilograms Thickness ranges between 18-38 mm Comes in folding design Rechargeable batter Removable memory facility which ensures large storage of data Availability of many ports for USB connectivitys Expandable memory cards such as Mini PCI for a large storage of data. Portable, cheap priced, stylish, folding design Both a laptop and notebook have more advantages as they are ultra-portable, durable and they can be used while travelling easily. We can have immediate access and can have our work done instantly and these are always up-to-date, as all files can be saved in a single location. With the help of wireless networks like Wi-Fi and cellular modems, we can access Internet even while on the go. The above mentioned advancements in technology, the computers gets technically better and better as the months ago for the same price, and this will shift the supply curve to the right. Retrieved from This can be seen in the diagram above. The quantity supplied has raised hugely, from Q1 to Q2.The equilibrium price has fallen from P1 to P2, a fairly large relative drop. 3.7 Expansion of the computer market. Recently more and more computer product chains have been entered to the market and it has led size of the industry grown. When more firms enter a given industry in short, output increases even as the price remains steady. The supply curve is shifted to the right decreasing the price of the product, when industry grows. Following are the main competitors in the UK market. United Kingdom PC Vendors) Company 3Q09 Market Share (%) 3Q08 Market Share (%) Acer 24.2 17.4 Dell Inc. 18.3 20.9 Hewlett-Packard 17.5 19.1 Toshiba 6.5 8.6 Apple Computer 5.0 3.8 Others 28.6 30.2 100.0Total 100.0Note: Data includes desk-based PCs and mobile PCs Source: Gartner (November 2009) . Please refer the diagram. The rapid increase in the number of firms, together with dramatic technological improvements, led to an increase in supply, shifting the supply curve in diagram to the right from S1 to S2. Price is reduced to P1 to P2. CONCLUSION Let us consider the factors those affected to fall in computer price in real terms which resulted both the demand curves and the supply curves led to right shift. Increased preferences due to advanced technology increase in population and the increment in real income, there is a huge increase in demand. And the demand curve shifted to the right from D1 to D2 in the diagram. The price was increased from P1 to P2. Suppliers strive for a greater share of the market by having strategies to gain consumers demand on their product. This is done so by increasing the value of their product. But there has also been a huge shift to the right in the supply curve for computers than the shift in the demand curve. Please refer the diagram above in relation to supply curve. In computer market particularly there are simultaneous shifts of both demand and supply curves. Combining both shifts generates an obvious change in quantity, but a questionable change in price. If an increase in demand increases equilibrium quantity and an increase in supply increases equilibrium quantity, then an increase in both MUST increase equilibrium quantity. In relation to the price, the demand increase (right shifts) results in a higher price, and the supply increase (right shift) leads to a lower price. The price is in determinant and it depends on the relative change of both curves. In the computer market, supply shifts relatively more than demand, therefore the supply induced lower price outweighs the demand-induced higher price, and the price is lower The price change is in determinant and we have to consider the relative change in the supply and the demand curves. Therefore, the exact reason for the question in this assignment is, even though the demand is increasing, the supply is also increasing but, at a rate higher than the demand increasing rate. You can notice in the diagram above, that the supply curve is shifted to the right at a higher rate than the rate at which the demand curve is shifted to the right. Therefore the price reduces from P1 to P2. Therefore, I conclude that the rapid increase in the number of firms, together with dramatic technological improvements, led to an increase in supply. The reason for the fall in equilibrium price that is the answer to the assignment question is market supply is relatively more than the demand and it results a lower price. Reference list Web sights, 26, March 2010, 8.15 a.m., 26, March 2010, 8.25 a.m., 26, March 2010, 9.00 a.m., 26, March 2010, 9.10 a.m., 26, March 2010, 9.40 a.m., 26, March 2010, 9.55 a.m., 26, March 2010, 1.10 p.m., 26, March 2010, 1.25 p.m., 27, March 2010, 9.20 a.m., 27, March 2010, 9.30 a.m. http://en.wikipedia.org26, 27March 2010, 11. a.m. htpp://, 27March 2010, 11. a.m. Books Parkin, M. 2008 (8th edition) Solman, J. 2007 (2nd edition),Economics, Pages 48-65

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Diary Of Anne Frank By Anne Frank :: essays research papers

In 1942, when the Nazi's began to invade their country, the Frank family went into hiding in an attic of a warehouse. The Franks' daughter, Anne, kept a diary through out their horrible ordeal. Minutes before the Frank's were captured in their hiding place after a two-year stay, Anne wrote in her diary the words, 'In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.'; Even though Anne suffered so much her courage and character only grew stronger.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Before Anne Frank went into hiding, she led a blissful and joyous life. She was always surrounded by friends and her family was well to do. She was torn away from her happiness and placed into the harsh and cruel reality of the Nazi agenda at only thirteen years of age. All this only because she was Jewish. She stayed locked up in the attic of the warehouse for almost twenty-five months, never being able to step outside. Such repression and life of fear would make almost any teenager completely depressed and more miserable that words could express. However, Anne managed to keep hope for a better tomorrow and her respect for the human race.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Anne made a very powerful statement in her last words. To truly believe such a thing after being abused by the Nazis is quite remarkable indeed. I am very sure that most people, including myself, would have thought that the world was a completely corrupt and humans are naturally cruel if they'd have gone through such times. I believe that Anne has the ability to say such a thing because of her great unselfishness and love for all of G-d's creatures. I also believe that if Anne could have written in her diary after she had gone to the concentration camp, she would have said the exact same thing.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Accelerated Reading :: Teaching Education

Accelerated Reading A.R. reading is the new choice of torture among teachers across the Issaquah School District (411). A.R. stands for Accelerated Reading. This is the process in which a student will take a vocabulary test at the beginning of the school year which will be graded. On this grading scale, students receive a reading range in which they are aloud to read books according to their difficulty level. As well as having to read according to what your reading level is, you have to also gain points by taking a test on the book you previously read. The number of points a book is worth has to do with its difficulty. For example; a book with a reading level of 10.5 with 390 pages and a character sizing of 10 point, might be worth 45 points. But a book with a reading level of 2.0 with 15 pages and a character size of 35, might be worth 1 point. In Ms. Hardy’s 4th period class, all students had to earn 60 points, 30 A.R., and 30 not A.R. this counts as 20 percent of your grade. When asked, "What is the point of A.R.?" Mr. Brown, a 7th and 8th grade woodshop and cooking teacher answered, "We love to see you suffer!" Honestly, A.R. really is pointless. Instead of forcing reading onto kids, teachers should make it fun. And teachers might even make it so it doesn’t make or break your grade. If you take the time to think about it, the average reading level is about 8.5. The average point level for a book is about the same, 8.5. The average person reads about two pages per minute, and the average number of pages for an 8 point book is about 300 to 350. Therefor, the average person would have to read about an hour a day, on top of the average amount of homework for each class which is about a half hour per class per day, so this adds up to about 3 to 4 hours of homework a day, not counting projects and studying for tests.

Marketing Chester Zoo to 16-to-24-year-olds Essay -- Business and Mana

Marketing Chester Zoo to 16-to-24-year-olds At the moment, Chester Zoo is the leading zoo in the country. It is a non-profit organisation and its mission is to support and promote conservation by breeding threatened animals, providing excellent animal welfare, high quality public service, recreation, education and science. Currently, their main source of income is from the admissions (see appendix 2B) Currently, the zoo is facing a marketing problem: The 16-24 year old age group is not visiting the zoo as much as expected to. (See appendix 7B) My task is to analyse the situation and come up with a solution. I shall do this by looking at the marketing strategy of Chester Zoo. Marketing is a continuous process of learning about and understanding a business’ customers and competitors, anticipating their customer needs, providing a suitable product at the right place, with the right price and the right promotion to attract customers. A marketing strategy is a plan that is evaluated carefully, for the future marketing of a business. It takes into account the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, together with the 4P’s (Price, Product, Place and Promotion), with these two areas in mind, a suitable plan is thought out. In this case, Chester Zoo will be looking to improve their marketing strategy to attract and keep more 16-24 year olds. My main research methods will be by: -Going to the zoo and interviewing the staff there. This is for me to judge the level of their service without any bias from other sources. -Consulting a range of sources, which have both primary and secondary evidence, including articles of quality from different media. This will help me see any trends over the years, and hopefully, their weaknesses and strengths. -I will also conduct a survey in form of a questionnaire aimed at 16-24 year olds. This will be to get a better perspective of the situation, to understand the reason behind the low visiting rate by this age group, anticipate their needs, and hopefully as an eye-opener to the solution. -Reading through various news report (related to Chester Zoo) -Reading about / visiting some of Chester Zoo’s key competitors to understand / see how they attract their customers of this age group. -Consulting some relevant business textbooks to further understand and improve my knowledge, especially about m... ...rket was students, so a ‘Student Card’ could be used. But what about the non-students? Some people may feel like their privacy is being intruded upon if they have to prove their age before gaining entrance into a zoo; as a result, they may choose to go elsewhere, and Chester Zoo would lose out. Some forms of identification could be false/ forged without the knowledge of Chester Zoo, and unfair entrance gained. There’s also a potential risk of losing customers from the other sectors, especially if they feel that the zoo has â€Å"changed†- they may lose the familiarity they already have. If Chester Zoo decides to carry out this scheme temporarily, when they revert to their â€Å"usual† fees, there is a chance that this situation will go back to the old problem of the 16-24 year olds not visiting as expected to but they may have retained some of the age group who may be visiting them regularly. As with most ventures, this is risky and daring. In theory, my proposal should work well, and serve to improve Chester Zoo’s marketing strategy. However, in practicality, this may not be the case, and in the end it will be up to Chester Zoo to decide whether or not this proposal is worth executing.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Injustice: Black People and Martin Luther King Essay

In a â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†, Martin Luther King, Jr. said â€Å"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.† This means that if we let injustice happen, then this injustice will grow and start to affect good people. We cannot afford to ignore something bad happening in one place. If injustice occurs and no action is taken against this injustice, then people who hear about what happened might think this injustice is acceptable, and continue being unfair. In â€Å"Justice & Injustice† Eloy Ponce says, â€Å"if we allow injustices to be committed against other people, those injustices too, could soon be committed against us.† Ponce’s idea interested me because it is also a true statement. If we let injustice happen, the injustice will be committed against us. When there was segregation, most white people didn’t do anything to help the African Americans. White people let segregation happen whether they agreed or disagreed with the kind of treatment the black people received because whites were not affected directly. Due to this, these days, some black people accuse white people of being racist. There were some white people that did stand up for the rights of blacks, and a few even died for this belief. They were people that truly understood the meaning of justice, and knew that if nothing was done, the injustice being committed would threaten justice everywhere. Justice and injustice are often in a battle of which is stronger. Acts of injustice spread easily, overcoming the ideals of justice. When a crowd acts, it is very difficult for people to standup against the crowd. It is easier for everyone to say they agree, even though they truly disagree. Only the brave few are willing to accept the consequences of standing up for what they believe in. I think this is what Martin Luther King, Jr. meant when he said â€Å"injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.† It is a person’s moral responsibility to uphold just ideas.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Morality by Kant and Mill Essay

In all the function of an autonomous society there essential be a moralistic trunk that must be incorporated in parliamentary procedure to establish on what is chastise and wrong. Almost everything in all t blocking(p) community is based on most given code of morals organization policies, laws, traditions and even relationships. Without these constitution, the society would end up crumbling since every day operations atomic number 18 ordinarily based and do work out on shared moral doctrine. There is incessantly a moral law that is validated for all the rational beings and all the custody in the virtue of their bear rationality (Immanuel et al, 2005).What is wrong and what is right is a query that has led to numerous debates for theologians and philosophers. some(prenominal) hang around and Kant hand offered some noble visions of pietism as they have centered their thoughts on rational and respectable rules and principles that do accent on their rest of the works. It is therefore strident to get into details on their rules on morality, how they are different and other principles they have come up with in their work. Kant has employ his proof basing it on the presence of accomplishment metaphysics in his moral philosophy.He asserts that if a law is in whatever outcome to have the moral force thereforecece it ought to carry the absolute necessity (Andrea, 1998). information metaphysics is commonly a set of the postulate truths that are needed in order for morality to exist. It is usually the fulfillment of a persons duty to the needed truths that does make either act have the moral deserving irrespective of it impact. The go away does make us opt to do some particular proposition actions. According to Kant, the will is usually the further thing that stool be referred as bad or cracking since with either bad will, all the other aspects in a person can be equally used for all the humble contends.Kant asserts that the ma tte Imperative is that we do owe our obedience through duty. This is the main grounding of morality since if cardinal does attempt to the will then the lowly principle becomes prevalent therefore creating contradiction. For example in carapace one wants to have an abortion, then applying the monotonous Imperative it means that if everybody did commit an abortion, then the human race would obviously sack to canonically exist which is usually unimaginable and contradictory. However, in some instances the categorical arbitrary is invalid and has got potentials to be abused.Kants moral philosophy does ignore the human desires (Andrea, 1998). It does desire that the human beings be in a position to follow the duty independent of their desires otherwise no one can be moral. mill abouts philosophy on the other hand, has provided a road social occasion philosophy. His rule of moral philosophy is more(prenominal) complete than Kants. The Mills basis of ethics and the utilitaria nism theory is essentially the greatest satisfaction principle which does state that ultimate end of any human action is rattling greatest cheer for most batch (John, 2004).Mill does explain that contentment is usually desirable since every person who believes happiness is discloseable do desire their own happiness. According to the utilitarianism theory, happiness is usually gotten from the absence of any pain and the presence of total and quality pleasure. One of the divergences between the deuce philosophers is in their belief of the reason of morality. Kant believes that the reason is usually duty as any action that is done through any duty to the Categorical Imperative is usually moral.Though Kants theory is good in assigning the wrong immoral actions, it has failed to differentiate on the more and the little acts therefore it does not require the favourable actions for the morality. On the other hand, Mills theory has a gradation system of morality that usually shows the actions to be slight or more depending on the happiness it usually generates. Under Mills theory one can never be moral unless there is the join on of bliss to the human beings thus uses the theoretical Imperative, whereas Kants moral philosophy one can be moral and selfish.Mills theory is more basic because Kants theory also does inadequacy specificity. Though most laws can be gotten from Categorical Imperative, it is not effectual for use some peculiar cases. Mill does jut for systems of laws to be derived from the happiness principle and then morality will depend on following the laws. Mills philosophy can be changed over date according to circumstances unlike Kants (Andrea, 1998). Mill uses the Hypothetical Imperatives which unlike Categorical Imperatives are conditional and commands that does apply in case one need to attain a certain outcome (Sandra, 2006).Both philosophers have their logic and reasoning faculty on morality. The patent issue is that in any given s ociety, there must be laws and codes of morality to govern them. References Mill, John. (2004) Utilitarianism. regular army Kessinger publishing. Melbos, Andrea. (1998). Kant and Mill on Morality. Retrieved 10, May, 2010 http//qirien. icecavern. net/punkus/ nurture/kantmill. htm Kant, Immanuel. , Paton, Herbert. (2005). The moral law groundwork of the metaphysics of morals. Canada Routledge.